
Friday, October 26, 2012

Crop Tops

Teeny-tiny crop tops are back!! I remember wearing loads of these as a kid :). Crop tops are huge this season, I think showing just a sliver of your midriff is so much sexier than wearing something tiny on top paired with low waisted bottoms (SCREAMS TRYING TOO HARD!!!). Crops can be worn with any high waisted bottoms - Shorts, trousers, skirts and jeans !!!! I think they make everyone look sexy !!! And the best part is you don't need to show much skin ;). Living in India, you obviously can't walk around showing your midriff without a 100 people ogling at you like you're naked! The crop top is perfect if you team it with something high waisted with just an inch or two of your midriff showing. Watch the video below for a better explanation.

I got my lovely crop top from Forever 21. I'm going to share some of my favorites  from with you. Happy Shopping !!!!

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